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Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy

The CERGE-EI Foundation is committed to maintaining an environment free of all forms of harassment, discrimination, bullying and  sexual misconduct. All staff and fellows are responsible for ensuring a community free of such prohibited misconduct. Discrimination or harassment can be based on race, color, religion, nationality, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, or other identifiable group characteristic. The CERGE-EI Foundation expressly expects that all individuals in all of the programs it supports will be treated with respect and evaluated strictly on merit.


Any individual who is participating in a course or program supported by the CERGE-EI Foundation and who believes she/he has been subjected to or has observed discrimination or harassment may submit a written complaint.


The written complaint should identify the parties involved; describe the behavior, including when and where it occurred; and identify by name or description any witnesses. Written complaints should be treated as confidential and should be provided directly and only to one of the designated members of the Harassment Redressal Committee. The complaining individual should select one of the listed Foundation officials and address their complaint to him or her.


CERGE-EI Foundation Discrimination and Harassment Redressal Committee


The Committee consists of three members, all of whom are responsible for upholding Foundation standards and governance. The committee is made up of: Board Director, the Teaching Fellows Pedagogical Mentor, and the Administrative Director.

Prior to submitting a formal complaint, an individual may solicit anonymous advice by sending a request to with an anonymous email to which a response may be sent.


If the individual subsequently wishes to pursue the complaint at a formal level, the recipient of the email will make a determination as to whether there appears to be cause to initiate a formal review process.  If they so determine, other committee members will join the initial reviewer in making a formal investigation. 


The purpose of the investigation is to gather facts relating to the incident(s) outlined in the written complaint and to determine whether it is

more likely than not that the alleged behavior occurred and, if so, whether this constitutes harassment or discrimination. It may include written statements, interviews and any other sources that the investigators deem appropriate.


Note: Adversarial hearings, including confrontation, cross-examination by the parties, and active advocacy by attorneys or other outside advocates, are neither appropriate nor permitted during the investigation process.


At the conclusion of the investigation, a determination will be made as to whether any allegations in the complaint were substantiated and whether Foundation policy was violated. Three outcomes are possible:


1)      A Finding of “No Violation” of the Foundation’s Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy

If it is determined that the behavior investigated did not violate Foundation policy, both parties will be so informed. If retaliatory behavior occurs after the issuance of this determination, either party may bring a new complaint.


2)      A Finding of “Inappropriate Behavior Not Rising to the Level of a Violation” of the Foundation’s Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy


There may be a determination that the behavior was inappropriate and unprofessional but did not rise to the level of violating Foundation policy. Such inappropriate behavior may merit ongoing monitoring, coaching, or other appropriate action. Neither party may appeal such a finding. If retaliatory behavior occurs after the issuance of this determination, either party may bring a new complaint.


3)      A Finding of “Violation” of the Foundation‘s Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy


If there is a determination that the behavior did violate Foundation policy, a written report will be submitted to the supervisor of the faculty member or staff involved at the CERGE-EI Foundation and the individual’s home institution. Remedial steps, at the discretion of the Foundation, may include, but are not limited to, ongoing monitoring, counseling or training, separation of the parties, and/or discipline of the accused, including a written warning, financial penalty, suspension, demotion or termination. The Foundation’s ability to discipline an individual who is not its direct employee may be limited. In such cases the Foundation will provide written documentation and a recommendation for appropriate remediation to senior officials of the institution (such as a university where a course is officially offered) with such ability. Failure of an institution to resolve any complaint to the satisfaction of the Foundation will be grounds for the Foundation to deny future support.

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